I was just looking back at old posts and realized that I hadn't done any Luck Stars updates since March- that 6 months just flew by. We started talking about Thanksgiving the other day and making plans. It truly feels like we were sitting on the beach yesterday enjoying the lack of schedules and homework. Below is theBlack Hole Star from April. It was one you could do one of two different ways. I ended up choosing the way she did not have it pictured. I love how it came out.
April Star |
I of course forgot to take a picture of the May one. June is below- the Sunlight Star. It was easier than April and was fast to get together.
June Star |
July was not my favorite, although I love the purples. One of the next ones needs to have a bunch of purple in it.
July Star |
August was the Pinwheel. This one may be my favorite of them all. It was fun to make- a bit of a challenge but fun. The colors came out well- and it just makes me smile.
August Star |
September was a Windmill star.
September Star |
and Octobers Chaos Star- I love the names she came up with. This one was the hardest of them all to choose the fabrics for. I had a harder time picturing the different fabrics next to each other.
October Star |
I have loved learning paper piecing. And this Block of the month has been a great place to learn. I've already signed up for Don't Call Me Betsy's continuation into next year. And it's getting to the end of the month, November 1 will be here soon..........